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Average score 1871 Vlerësime
sandrine DUMORTIER noted në Google

9 ditë më parë
estelle gaboriau noted në Google

Un choix exceptionnel Accueil agréable Cuisine bonne Je recommande vivement (Translated by Google) An exceptional choice Pleasant welcome Good food I highly recommend

10 ditë më parë
Marie annick clement noted në Google

16 ditë më parë
Manuela Leplanois noted në Google

Même si ce restaurant fait cantine au niveau ambiance la cuisine y est très bonne pour moi. Énormément de choix de plats. Les woks sont excellents. Les buffets sont bien présentés et approvisionnés. J'ai mangé 3 fois là bas en 4 ans seulement mais je ne suis jamais déçue et les enfants non plus. Donc très bonne expérience. (Translated by Google) Even if this restaurant is a canteen in terms of atmosphere, the cuisine is very good for me. Lots of choice of dishes. The woks are excellent. The buffets are well presented and stocked. I have eaten there 3 times in just 4 years but I am never disappointed and neither are the children. So very good experience.

17 ditë më parë
T. Anna noted në Google

1 muaj më parë
Guegan Cecile noted në Google

Service et conseil déplorable de la part d'un cuisinier! la viande mal cuite après demande.. pour une première fois je suis déçu (Translated by Google) Deplorable service and advice from a cook! poorly cooked meat after request... for the first time I am disappointed

1 muaj më parë
Oryane Maire noted në Google

1 muaj më parë
Herisson Buard noted në Google

1 muaj më parë
thierry vilquin noted në Google

Une immense salle ,un choix énorme.la qualité de la nourriture est très correcte dommage souvent très bruyant.prix un peu trop élevé pour ce style de restauration (Translated by Google) A huge room, a huge choice. The quality of the food is very good, too bad it is often very noisy. The price is a little too high for this style of catering.

1 muaj më parë
Jacky Tielles noted në Google

1 muaj më parë

Panda Wok© 2025
Kushtet Ligjore

16 Allée de la Grassinais
35400 Saint-Malo, France

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